These new rules will enter into force in 1 June 2011.
Tourists should apply for their visas via tourist companies. In their turn the tourist companies apply:
to the embassies and consulates of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the countries of residence of foreigners or
in case of absence of embassies and consulates of the Republic of Azerbaijan in countries of residence of foreigners, to the embassies and consulates of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the nearest third countries.
Here you can find the list of embassies and consulates of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
The tourist companies have to present the documents mentioned below in electronic form to the embassies and consulates of the Republic of Azerbaijan to obtain a visa:
1. a completed application form taken from the website of embassies and consulates of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
2. a scanned copy of his/her passport;
3. a scanned copy of his/her photo;
4. a scanned copy of receipt of state fee;
5. a scanned copy of documents confirming the tourist’s purpose of visit:
a) tourist voucher or a document confirming the payment for tourist services planned in the program of visit;
b) passenger’s ticket;
c) the document, confirming the reservation at a hotel, camping sites, tourist bases, etc.
There are two ways of applying for visas by tourist companies:
1. Tourist companies can apply in electronic form (via internet) or;
2. Tourist companies can send the documents of foreign tourists by post.
In the first case, the issued visa will be sent to the e-mail address of tourist companies, which apply for visa. In the second case, the issued visa will be sent to the tourist companies by post.
Embassies and consulates of the Republic of Azerbaijan will issue ordinary (single) entrance visas with the tourist purpose no more than 30 days.
According to the Law “On State fees” (article 16.1.8.) the amount of fee for obtaining visa with the tourist purpose is 20 USD.
Electronic visas will not be sticked in passports.
In case of rejection to issue a visa the reason of rejection will be provided.
Each tourist visa application will be examined by the embassies and consulates of the Republic of Azerbaijan no later than 15 working days.